Have you ever witnessed unethical actions in your workplace? Would you remain quiet? Would take steps to have these misdeeds stopped? What influences your decision?
Paula Pedene, Paula Pedene & Associates of Phoenix, Arizona, recognized massive misdeeds by senior officials at the Veterans Administration hospital in Phoenix and began to take steps to end this travesty that caused the death of some veterans. She began to face an onslaught of unfair and punishing treatment. Paula was bloodied but stood tall through it all. Bent but not broken. She enlisted sympathetic co-workers to assist in assembling data and facts to support their claims. Her efforts paid off. She gained the support of local media, and members of Congress that responded to her detailed information. In the end, she provided the details and data that removed multiple senior officials from the VA hospital. Paula's efforts were recognized with a PRSA PR Pro of the year award. She was also inducted into the Defense Information School Hall of Fame and she published her book: "A Sacred Duty."
Link to Paula Pedene:
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