On occasion an organization may have a massive project, be understaffed or simply lack the skills to produce an important event. This is when hiring a public relations, marketing or digital firm may be the answer to successfully complete your project. Do you ask your cousin for guidance? Perhaps you met a PR person at a business meeting! How can you feel confident you can identify the optimal firm to get this project completed successfully, without complications and that they clearly understand your goals? RFP Associates of Fairfax, VA has a proven track record of success. They have worked with PRSA and others to help identify what is important to persons hiring these firms. Steve Drake and Robert Udowitz, both PR veterans, have the senior level experience and proven track record of helping organizations contract with the optimal firm. Their unbiased process may take several months but the outcome has proven to be worth the time. If you need to hire a PR, marketing , digital firm you must listen to this episode!!!!
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