Enough is enough! Tired of the snubs. Done with non-acceptance! Although her work was stellar being a gay female limited her acceptance into the company culture. After 10 years of being on the outside in her silicon Valley PR jobs Evie Smith Hatmaker decided to take her "Michael Jordan level of experience" and become a solo practitioner.
Things were going well. After her successful experiences with several non-traditional clients the light came on. Too few PR firms were prepared to represent companies operated by non-traditional owners. Hatmaker recognized this as an opportunity with her name on it. She focused on the underrepresented companies and their founders. The door was wide open for working with companies who make their own lanes. She worked with forward thinking clients and those who were disrupters in their industry. Hatmaker now over sees her million dollar agency that works hard to serve those underrepresented organizations. Her Rebellious Public Relations firm, in Los Angeles & Portland, OR, works to elevate PR industry standards and culture, sharing cultural competency and becoming more accepting of the LGBTQ+, BIPOC and people of color communities. This episode will enlightened you about her success.
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