ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)! Why is this so important to the public relations community? Listen to these accomplished experts articulate why ESG information is so important and the consequences of having no plan.
As momentum continues to build in the health and science industry on ESG investing, public relations professionals must consider ESG as they build their strategic communications plans. Developing a strategy around ESG includes strong environmental initiatives as well as C-suite executives who are committed to building diversity and inclusion as part of their corporate culture. As communicators, it is up to us to roll out ESG-friendly initiatives that go beyond philanthropy and tell sustainable stories to those who matter most: the varied audiences.
Joining host Peter Woolfolk are: Josh Jacobs, CEO and Janet Ervin Chief Marketing Officer, both with Next Stage Consulting. They develop strategies and implementations for social impact. And joining us from Hartford, CT is Andrew Blum of AJB Communications who has extensive experience in PR launches for climate change practice, renewable energy, public relations for wind and solar, and much more including many published news articles.
This information delivers solid guidance as to why your organization must have an ESG plan in place!!!
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