With the complexion and growth of the United States population pointing toward people of color one would think public relations firms, government agencies and others would develop plans to reach these populations--particularly African Americans. Estimates suggest than people of color will become the majority of the U.S. population somewhere around 2040-2060, if not sooner. People of color will constitute 57% of the population with African Americans reaching about 14% percent of the population by 2030. In addition, African Americans will have buying power of over $1.5 trillion by 2030. Can any PR firm, government agency, etc afford to overlook this market?
Rosetta Miller Perry, Publisher of Nashville's Tennessee Tribune, offers her unvarnished opinion and experiences about majority PR firms linkage to the Black press. She also provides to guidance to how access to the 22 million readers of Black owned newspapers can be successfully achieved. Listen as Rosetta speaks her mind and about her experiences.
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